Living Your Best Life: Setting Goals with Purpose for Now and Beyond

Introduction: Embracing Intentional Goal-Setting

Facing life’s realities, recent losses and health challenges prompted deep reflection. In this journey, the key is intentional goal-setting for a fulfilling life. Pondering what truly matters, our choices now shape the envisioned future.

Life’s Trajectory and Priorities

Many individuals find themselves caught up in life’s whirlwind, pursuing a future that appears from all directions. Unbeknownst to them, they are on a trajectory toward heart disease, cancer, cognitive disease, or type 2 diabetes. Our choices in our 40s intricately tie to our life in our 70s. The fundamental dilemma arises: How can we ensure the life we desire in the long term?

Measuring Success and Confronting Death

Scott Galloway, in his book on happiness, proposes that measuring a successful life is tied to how individuals confront death. The question is, where will they find themselves in that moment – alone, surrounded by loved ones, in a hospital, on a hiking trail, at the gym, or peacefully in their sleep?

Balancing Success and Quality of Life

For many, the lowest quality in the last decade of life results from sacrificing early years in pursuit of success. It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, particularly in demanding careers. Harry Chapin’ song, “A Cat’s Cradle,” vividly conveys the challenges ambitious professionals face when balancing career and personal relationships.

Rediscovering What Truly Matters

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a client expressed the fear that their children might remember it as a favorite time because Dad was finally home. These moments underscore the critical importance of cherishing family connections and not losing sight of what truly matters.

Goal-Setting with Purpose

Entering the season of goal-setting, it’s crucial to remember the essence of life. What is genuinely important to you? What do you really want, and how do you want to be remembered? Clarifying your vision makes today’s choices purposeful and aligned with long-term goals. Let’s not just set goals; let’s set goals with intention, ensuring each step is a stride toward the fulfilling life we aspire to live.

In my book, Strategy to Action: Run Your Business Without It Running You, I introduce an effective and straightforward tool to elevate your skills as a business professional and navigate the corporate world. The book offers practical insights on transforming strategies into tangible results.
