Road to Fulfillment: Begin with the End in Mind

In the pursuit of a meaningful life, it is crucial to recognize that true greatness lies not only in our accomplishments. It also resides in the virtues we embody and the legacy we leave behind.

Recently, my wife and I updated our Will, which sparked contemplation about the relationship between death, performance, and personal fulfillment.

Here we’re going to explore:

  • the concept of eulogy virtues,
  • the significance of beginning with the end in mind, and
  • the transformative benefits of bringing death closer to our consciousness.

Living by Eulogy Virtues: Author and philosopher David Brooks introduced the concept of eulogy virtues—those enduring qualities that shape our legacy. Reflecting upon how we wish to be remembered when we pass allows us to live our lives in alignment with our deepest values and aspirations.

In a profound exercise, I was once asked to describe what I wanted written on my tombstone. This exercise can serve as a guiding star, helping us invest our time and energy in what truly matters.

Beginning with the End in Mind: While it may sound cliché, the wisdom behind Stephen Covey’s quote, “Begin with the end in mind,” holds immense power. High performers distinguish themselves by their ability to transcend the present moment and envision a future worth working towards.

Expanding our time horizons empowers us to set meaningful goals, make wise decisions, and allocate resources effectively. Thinking long-term enables us to move beyond instant gratification and align our choices with our core values and aspirations.

Benefits of Bringing Death Closer: Oliver Burkeman’s book reminds us that we have 4,000 weeks to live on Earth.

Stoic philosophers remind us of Momento Mori meaning, ‘remember you must die’. To truly understand the value of time, we must remember that life is finite.

We must consider what our lives would look like if we knew the exact moment of our death.

The exercise of envisioning our lives with a looming deadline of, say, 30 days left, prompts us to reevaluate our priorities and make impactful changes.

Strikingly, we often find ourselves caught in the Tyranny of the Urgent. We neglect the vital aspects of life, or fail to recognize the urgency of living fully.

By consciously acknowledging our mortality, we break free from the illusion of limitless time. We are prompted to embrace a sense of urgency that fuels our pursuit of a life aligned with our values and aspirations.

Instead of taking time for granted, we seize each moment with intention, purpose, and appreciation. We recognize the profound significance of the legacy we leave behind and the impact we have on others’ lives.

Embracing eulogy virtues and the awareness of our mortality empowers us to live lives of profound significance.

We shape our actions and decisions by envisioning the qualities we want to be remembered for. Beginning with the end in mind allows us to transcend the distractions of the present and focus on what truly matters.

By bringing death closer to our consciousness, we break free from the Tyranny of the Urgent. We infuse our lives with urgency, purpose, and intention.

Let us embrace the power of eulogy virtues, reflect on our legacies, and live each day as if it were our last, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

In my forthcoming book, Strategy to Action: Run Your Business Without It Running You, I share a framework that helps us overcome the challenges presented above.

Please consider following the book release and/or joining the pre-order list by clicking here.
