Ep. 32: The secrets we keep can have high costs. A disruptive conversation with Brielle Morgan

This disruptive conversations episode highlights how even with the best of intentions, we can sometimes betray ourselves and our loved ones when are not able to step into authenticity and vulnerability. This episode gets very personal, honest and intimate about disruption, death and cancer. In this episode, I talk with Brielle Morgan who is a daring and innovative journalist. Brielle and I share some very intimate moments in this episode. Through their startup media agency, Brielle and her colleagues are trying to rebuild public trust with journalist and news outlets.  hoping to   show was an approach to   within the context of

In this show, we have an unexpected conversation about how our personal experiences affect our professional choices. A surprising theme that came out of the interview was the importance of how in trying to protect our loved ones we can actually cause more hurt. Brielle and I share some very intimate past experiences that have shaped our thinking. Through their startup media agency, Brielle and her colleagues are trying to rebuild public trust with journalist and news outlets.  hoping to   show was an approach to   within the context of

As journalists, Brielle and her colleagues are trying to rebuild public trust through their startup media agency, Discourse Media. They are working to share stories that reflect solutions to some of the most complex challenges in the world.

Links in the show: 

Curious City: http://curiouscity.wbez.org/

The listening project/Listening post: http://wwno.org/programs/listening-post

This podcast was recorded over Skype. Both speakers were in different locations.
