Ep. 24: Your flaws don’t define you. You can be disruptive despite your flaws. A conversation with Mark Brand.

Mark Brand is a serial entrepreneur who is also a social entrepreneur. In this podcast, we talk about a number of things that inform Mark’s approach to building Beautiful Businesses. Mark has reframed being a restauranteur into a career of service. In the show, he asks, what are you going to wake up every day and do, and do in service to others. The distinction he makes is that being is service to those who need us or being in service to a greater cause is not the same as being in servitude. For him, he argues we need to own our mistakes, own our flaws, and be mindful of what makes us imperfect as we search for solutions. Don’t strive to be the most talented or smartest in the room, but struggle to be the most tenacious and resilient person in the room. For Mark, there is no separation in humanity, there is no us and them, there is only humanity. We also have a really funny conversation about Jack Russell style innovation. Enjoy this episode.

Links from the show.

Follow this link to learn more about Marks closed loop money system or token project:  https://vimeo.com/173661086

Find Mark at his website: http://www.markbrandinc.com/

Hatch website: https://hatchexperience.org/

Ashley Good and her FailForward firm: https://failforward.org/

Other episodes of Disruptive Conversations referenced in the show: 

Yarrow Kraner Disruptive Conversation podcast episode #11: https://www.keitademming.com/podcast/ep-11-how-one-creative-alchemist-is-hatching-a-better-world-a-conversation-with-yarrow-kraner/

Ashley Good on Failing Forward: https://www.keitademming.com/podcast/ep-4-how-learning-from-failure-can-help-spur-innovation-a-conversation-with-ashley-good-of-failforward/

This podcast was recorded over Skype. Both speakers were in different locations.

Music provided by Clint Harewood you contact him via email, Facebook or LinkedIn. Email – clint.harewood (at) gmail.com

