admin September 15, 2018 S2: Ep. 66: Stop caring about people buying your product. A disruptive Conversation with Seyi Fabode.
admin May 1, 2018 Ep. 58: (Mini-Series): Disrupting Healthcare Using Patient-Generated Data. A Disruptive Conversations mini-series.
admin November 14, 2017 Organisational ChangeOrganizational ChangeSocial Innovation Reflections on the Canadian social innovation landscape. An insider/outsider perspective.
admin November 11, 2017 Bonus: Ep. 51: Your enemies can be your greatest teacher. A Disruptive Conversation with Adam Kahane.
admin September 3, 2017 Ep. 46: Think big, start small, and work together. A Disruptive Conversation with Nick Scott.
admin August 6, 2017 Ep. 42: What does it mean to be anti-silver bullet? A Disruptive Conversation with Amanda Hachey.
admin June 25, 2017 Ep. 37: Stop driving with your emergency brakes on. A Disruptive Conversation with Jeff Leitner
admin June 4, 2017 Ep. 34: The tragedy of Strategic Planning. A Disruptive Conversation with Zaid Hassan.
admin April 23, 2017 Ep. 28: Turning social safety nets into trampolines. A conversation with Sarah Schulman
admin April 2, 2017 Ep. 25: How do we catalyze change for public good? A conversation with Claire Buré
admin April 2, 2017 Disruptive Conversations So I published Podcast Ep 25 and things are still going well.