About Keita Old

The more we learn from others, the more likely we are to find our own journey a little bit easier. This is what drives me at The Covenant Group, where I design training programs and coach clients to meet their strategic goals and build their businesses.

We have coached tens of thousands of leaders, entrepreneurs, and organizations in how to develop new lines of business or overcome complex problems that stand in the way of success.

Building any new training or workshop starts with people first. This is what I love about what I do—drawing on my academic research on innovation and organizational change and translating it into tools, coaching, and consulting to help clients take immediate action and generate results.

I also leverage technology and user experience design to help our clients move the needle by:

  • developing programs and products to add value to high-performing organizations
  • delivering proven products and coaching clients through effective learning experiences
  • developing internal processes which  ensure our teams and clients excel

This role is truly meaningful because we help people enjoy their work and thrive––so they aren’t just more productive, they’re happier.

One of my proudest achievements outside of work is the community I helped grow around TEDxPortofSpain, a local version of the popular TED ideas festival. As one of the most successful TEDx events in the world, I am proud that everyone involved knew they had a say in the vision. Lasting success comes from leading with people, not simply managing them.