The Power of Commitment, Attachment, and Intentionality

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their goals effortlessly, while others struggle to make progress?

It often comes down to three important words:

  1. committed
  2. attached
  3. intentional

Being committed means that you have made a conscious decision to pursue a goal. You’re willing to stick to it even when the going gets tough.

If you’re committed to building your business, you’ll work hard to implement your marketing plan. You’ll take all the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

On the other hand, being attached means that you have an emotional connection to your goals, which can sometimes hold you back.

For example, if you’re attached to an employee who isn’t performing well, you may have a hard time letting them go because of the emotional attachment you have with them.

Commitment is more action-oriented, while attachment is emotionally focused. When someone asks you if you’re committed or attached, you need to take a moment to reflect and decide which one applies to you.

To move from attachment to commitment, you need to be intentional about how you approach your goals. This means setting an intention, committing to it, and taking action to achieve it.

For example, if your intention is to grow your business, but your current assistant isn’t working out, you can redefine the relationship while still honoring the loyalty you have towards them.

In summary, being committed means taking action towards your goals, while being attached can sometimes hold you back due to emotional connections. Being intentional means setting an intention and committing to it, while also being open to adapting as needed.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to reply to this email and share your perspective. And if you’re looking for more tips on how to unlock your potential, check out my latest blog post.
