Ep. 19: Generate disruption by being action biased. A conversation with Steve Garguilo

Ideas are a dime a dozen, but for Steve and his colleagues, having a bias towards action helps us make things happen in the world. In this podcast we talk about his new book, Surge: Your guide to put any idea into action. In their book, they outline their “Action Surge Blueprint.” In this podcast, we talk through how Steve and his colleagues help people strengthen their action muscle or build a bias towards action. They work with groups to help people make their ideas into reality. The goal of their work is to help people land on an idea statement. The idea statement is the first step in breaking your idea into actionable lists. Hope you enjoy this episode. Below are some links to some of the things we talk about in the podcast. Feel free to visit their website: www.actionsurge.com

For those of you who want to get a taste of the Action Surge content you can start with their Udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/make-your-ideas-happen-8-proven-steps-for-taking-action/
You can find Stevve at his website: www.stevegarguilo.com
 We made a reference to the Giant Flamingo story. You can find out more at their website. giantflamingo.com

This podcast was recorded over Skype. Both speakers were in different locations.

Music provided by Clint Harewood you contact him via email, Facebook or LinkedIn. Email – clint.harewood (at) gmail.com

