DIY or Dive Deep: Finding the Right Balance in Business Building

Image of a woman multitasking time management concept businesswoman practicing meditation.

Finding the right balance between DIY (Do It Yourself) efforts and diving deep into learning is essential for successful business building.

Everyone has two core aspirations:

  • To live the life they dream of.
  • To create that life themselves.

People typically approach these goals in one of two ways.

First, there are the DIY enthusiasts. These individuals believe they can acquire any skill necessary to reach their objectives. Resourceful and creative, they excel at both personal and professional endeavors.

In my coaching experience, DIYers often seek initial guidance and then independently forge their path. Their greatest asset is their ability to take action—they are true doers. Most of us start as DIYers until we can afford to delegate tasks.

Then, there are the knowledge seekers. These individuals immerse themselves in books, courses, and coaching sessions. Their challenge lies in their tendency to prioritize learning over doing.

In my coaching, I sometimes have to encourage them to stop consuming information and start implementing it. Their strength is in gathering knowledge.

Regardless of your approach, finding a balance is crucial.

Those who act without sufficient knowledge risk making mistakes and progressing slowly. Conversely, those who perpetually learn without acting may never truly begin.

As you build your business, aim to operate at your highest level.

Delegate tasks that don’t maximize your strengths as soon as possible.

Learn just enough to take action, avoiding information overload. Remember, you’re not pursuing a degree—you’re building a business.

Focus on taking action, seek help early, and consider coaching if needed.

I hope these insights guide you on your journey to success.

P.S. The Covenant Group team, alongside Dr. Varun Perumal, CEO of Unmodal Research, have put together an “Essential Video Guide for Navigating the Rapidly Advancing World of AI.

We’re excited to share it with anyone who wants to gain a clear understanding of the current state of AI and how to benefit from this technology.
