Action Speaks Louder than Intentions

Researchers around whiteboard covered with notes diagrams deep discussion teams interaction.

Stephen Covey said, we judge ourselves by what we want to do, but others see what we actually do. This is why actions matter more than just thoughts.

People often ask me to coach them because they find it hard to turn their plans into actions.

The most important help I can give is to show them how to look at what they are really doing, not just what they hope to do.

For instance, if you want your business to grow, think about:

  • How many new people did you talk to this month?
  • How many sales did you make?
  • How many customers stayed with you?

If you only think about your hopes, you might be fooling yourself. I’ve seen many people I coach fool themselves to feel better. But truly successful people deal with the tough realities they face.

One client found it useful to see it as a simple formula:

  • What you want in the future = Hard truths + Actions that match your goals.

This means the things you do every day should help you reach your dreams.

Most of us get sidetracked, and to stay focused, we need to ensure our daily actions are helping us get where we want to be.

If you like these ideas and want more help or tips, feel free to contact me for coaching or follow my updates.
